How well do YOU know Flat Stanley?
Flat Stanley is a boy who while at school had a bulletin board fall on him. Thus becoming quite flat, so flat in fact that he could fit in an envelope. After that he became quite the world traveler.

We have a niece and a nephew who are participating in Flat Stanley projects at their schools and we got to be a destination. We are an awesome destination! Flat Stanley and Flat Dakota had a blast with us. They went to school, book fairs, The Seattle Center and even a visit to the Fremont Troll. I wish we had remembered to take them along to the gum wall!
Okay, so I'm still learning but unless you look very closely you can't tell where I erased (cloned) the people out of the pic. Just Dakota and Stanley! No one else around!!
Nice work I can't even tell that you erased things out of the picture. Where did the VW go?
That is too funny! Great job with your Photoshop edits. I'm impressed.
I had not heard of Flat Stanley. We are going to have to check him out... at the library.
Good job! What fun. Is Flat Stanley Flat Coltin?
Flat Stanley is Flat Miles.
I never heard of Flat Stanley before either. Very fun.
I remember Stanley!
Stopping by via SITS.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's so nice to meet you. Thanks for the link, though I don't share the same faith. I definitely appreciate the thought though!
Have a great day!
How fun...I haven't heard of him, but what a great idea!
I gave you an award over on my blog!! Come check it out when you get the chance!
Have a great day!
How fun! And I am very impressed with your photo shop abilities. I have had photo shop for over a year now and haven't even tried to learn anything. I have got to get on that!
I am taking a Flat Stanley to Guatemala next week for some friends=) It's like that you think they stole the Flat Stanley idea?
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