Tuesday, October 9, 2018

I will Go and Do

Nephi has just been praying and received his own verification from God that this journey is right and that his father is a prophet when he returns and receives a new assignment from his father.

He and his brothers must return to Jerusalem and get the brass plates from Laban, the keeper of the records. These plates are like a metal book and contain a history of Lehi's family going back to Adam. 

Nephi says he will do what the Lord asks because he knows that whatever the Lord asks of us He will also prepare a way for our success, so that we can accomplish what He wants us to do. Nephi and his brothers try three different methods of getting the plates from Laban, learning that even when God asks us to do something, He won't necessarily make it easy for us. Sometimes there are things we must learn and experiences we need in order to have the courage and faith to do whatever is required. 
After two failures Nephi's brothers want to give up. It's just too hard, maybe even impossible they think. Complaining that Laban can command an army of fifty and slay them. Nephi's faith here is something to be sought after. He says, "Let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord; for behold he is mightier than all the earth, then why not mightier than Laban and his fifty, yea, or even than his tens of thousands?"

He quotes scripture to them about Moses escaping the Egyptian army. Moses and the children of Israel escape on dry ground, but the armies of Pharoah were drowned in the waters of the Red Sea. Sometimes the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes.

Nephi was guided to Laban and after being required to kill him he was able to get the plates with the help of Laban's servant Zoram. Zoram was afraid but when Nephi gave an oath that he would be safe, Zoram trusted him and gave his own oath that he would come along.

An oath was enough. Are we as good as our word? 

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