Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Doctrine, Principles and Application

Mike and I have recently been talking a lot about Doctrine, Principles and Application. It is such an interesting topic and helps with all kinds of Gospel study and understanding the scriptures. I love to study these things and I remembered at one time seeing a very succinct definition of each of them and have been searching for these definitions.

I finally thought to ask my gospel scholar sister what her thoughts were on the topic. Of course she had something and it is exactly what I was looking for. It has perfect definitions from Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
From Elder David E. Bednar, “Increase in Learning”, Deseret Book, 2011; “Act in Doctrine”, Deseret Book, 2012; and “Teach Them to Understand”, Ricks College Education Week, June 4, 1998.

Using the Framework:
“The framework of doctrines, principles, and applications is a flexible tool that can be used to enhance our gospel learning. Please do not view and use the framework as a rigid set of definitions or as a formula that leads to “correct” answers about which applications and principles are associated with particular gospel doctrines. No definitive list exists that correctly identifies and classifies all gospel doctrines and principles. The purpose of the framework is for you to explore, to experiment, and to exercise faith in the Lord as you learn for yourself “the doctrine of the kingdom” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:77) and come to “know of the true points of [the Savior’s] doctrine” (3 Nephi 21:6) by asking questions and searching for answers.”

Doctrines: “A gospel doctrine is a truth of salvation revealed by a loving Heavenly Father. Gospel doctrines are eternal, do not change, and pertain to the eternal progression and exaltation of Heavenly Father’s sons and daughters. Gospel doctrines answer the question of “why?” For example, the doctrine of the plan of happiness answers the question of why we are here upon the earth. Basic gospel doctrines are the spiritual foundation for all that we learn, teach, and do—and a vital source of power and strength as we strive to become what the Lord would have us become.”

Principles: “A gospel principle is a doctrinally-based guideline for the righteous exercise of moral agency. Principles provide direction. Correct principles always are based upon and arise from doctrines, do not change, and answer the question of “what?” Many principles can grow out of and be associated with a single doctrine. For example, the doctrine of the plan of happiness gives rise to such principles as obedience, service, and progression. A principle is not a behavior or a specific action. Rather, principles provide basic guidelines for behavior and action.”

Applications: “Applications are the actual behaviors, action steps, practices, or procedures by which gospel doctrines and principles are enacted in our lives. Whereas doctrines and principles do not change, applications appropriately can vary according to needs and circumstances. Applications answer the question of “how?””
“Our tendency as members of the Church is to focus on applications. But as we learn to ask ourselves, “What doctrines and principles, if understood, would help with this challenge?” we come to realize that the answers always are in the doctrines and principles of the gospel.”