Lezlee and I became friends in Jr. High in a small town in SE Idaho. We had a great group of friends through Jr. High.

Recently Lezlee and I found each other again and I have really enjoyed following her life on the world wide web. Her blog is Bandanamom. Click on it, you won't be disappointed. She is intelligent, friendly and uplifting. She is one of those people who are comfortable to be around. Her decorating skills are impeccable and her photography thoughtful.
Today she's taking us out for breakfast and a visit about where you dream of putting down some roots. Money isn't an object.... where would you like to live?

Hi Jenny! Hope you had a fun vacation...I can't wait to hear all about it!
Thanks for the kind words Jenny - I never get tired of this awesome photo of all of us. :)
Hi, Jenny! Oh, that topic sounds great... There are many places I dream of living! We’re actually just arrived home yesterday from our 2-week trip. I hope to post soon. Right now just getting over jet-lag and settling in home again with kitty Charlie. :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))
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