Or how about in Finding Forester when Sean Connery tells Jamal that socks were made wrong with the seam on the inside as he turns his new socks wrong side out to put them on.
I believe that socks are something people feel passionate about. How do you feel about socks?
Do you hate the loose ones that slip down into your shoe? Or remember the super thick ones that gathered around your ankle? How about having a heel or are you into good old tube socks? Do you wear long thin ones, or short thick ones?
Here are some of my thoughts on socks.
Socks on my feet:
My favorites are cycling socks and I have a growing collection.
The thing about bike socks is that they are fitted. They have a heel and a toe and fit quite snug, thank you very much. I don't save them for cycling either; I wear them all the time. And another thing... they are fun.
Clothes being fun? That's another post altogether.
Socks in the Laundry:
For years I separated socks into six piles (one for each person) and proceeded to "try" to mate and fold them.
I have often asked myself why I don't just buy one brand and size and let everyone in the house wear the same ones.
That would cause some obvious problems:
1. In a family of six we just don't all have the same size feet.
2. Cute, fun and colorful cycling socks! What would I do with out them?
Girl socks solutions:
The Bean is 17. She recently told Fashionista (10) that bright colorful socks should never match.
The socks found on my daughters' feet today.
Charmed (once I got used to the idea) and after discovering $1 socks at Target (cute ones!) We decided that as far as girl socks were concerned folding would now be eliminated. For a while they went into the "missing a mate" basket in the laundry room, but then I found it. On one of my frequent trips to Goodwill.It hangs on the wall, it's cute and it holds socks.
Boy Socks? ...White ones:
I am honestly considering getting rid of all but one brand and size. My boys and man all have pretty much the same size feet and then maybe we could find another
A feeling of peace is coming over me.
Watch out Mr. Shoop, these ideas might make you want to actually wear that pair of white socks.
This post came about from "a year of happy", Ten random things about me. It all started with a group of friends virtually sitting around a table at Chili's eating Molten Chocolate Cake. JoLyn told us 10 random things about herself and then asked us to each share just one. One of hers had to do with her dislike of folding socks. Many of the comments that followed had to do with socks. What is it about socks? We're passionate about something we wear under our shoes!
My favorite socks are your Benny the Beavers socks. I should get some like it. Wait, I have some like that already.
Jenny you are too cute. I don't mind the folding socks part it is just the finding the mate thing. You may be onto something with the one brand size fits all.
You girls!! Your father found the solution years ago. He thought of it himself!! I bought a bunch of diaper pins, and when he takes his sox off, he pins them together. Sometimes they get folded, black in one basket, blue in the other. Sometimes, they just go in the baskets! (Heal is if you get sick -- heel is on your foot!) Oops!
This cracks me up...why didn't you tell me this sooner?!! It could have relieved so much anxiety over the years...
However, I love your sox (I like to spell it that way). And I love CDJ's idea. Their feet looked cool. I love your sock holder by the dryer. Neat!
This is funny Jenny, they just had a story on NPR today about a museum curator talking about socks. I thought it was kind of a weird story but serendipitous that I heard it today and then saw this! Apparently people used to stuff straw in their shoes before "socks" were invented. (BTW I have tried buying all the same socks for my guys but somehow it never quite works out because the next time I go to do the same thing, the ones I need to match the ones I already have are slightly different, resulting in my original problem of many socks that seem to have no mate!)
I believe I have more cycling socks than I do work or play socks. You're right they are comfortable and when someone catches me wearing them to work they get a good laugh. Love the Bennie the Beaver socks.
Yes... Benny Rocks! Mike in Houston~ my husband tried to get our boys to wear his black jolly roger bike socks to church with him once to tease me but they felt it would be irreverent :) Your coworkers probably make an effort to see your socks now!
B-mom2~ Is that on a podcast? I would love to hear it. What a funny coincidence! Sorry your one brand for all didn't work. Why do socks have to wear out anyway?
Mom~(Dawn)I had forgotten about Dad's diaper pin solution. That's a good one then they even stay together through the wash and always remain a pair thus even wearing out together!
Cute post... I definitely need to branch out and get more creative with my socks. I basically count down the days until I can wear flip flops. That's how I feel about socks.
More importantly... did blogger get some new templates? I'll have to check this out! I love the new layout!
Yes Emily, Blogger got new templates isn't it fun! You need the new dashboard. I think its called beta. Have fun with it!
I love my socks, but after a summer of sandals it is a little claustrophobic to put them on again.
Hi, Jenny! I find my way here via JoLyn...you have such a fun place here! This sock post is hilarious... And I love the "Hottie" socks! Passionate about socks, oh yes... or I've become so. I'm an American girl living in Norway, so tough winters here have converted me to wool sock-wearing in winter. I knit, and I hope to learn sock knitting one day, I'm not hooked yet on that. I don't like the look of my feet, so socks are good to hide in. A good home-pedicure, feet lotioned and white cotton socks, feet up to watch a film or knit--BLISS! Your sock basket in laundry area is genial--no more lost socks, or almost. ;o) Fun to meet you, Jenny--Happy Weekend to you & yours!
Kaija does that with colored socks, too. My girls still don't have more than 2 pairs of colorful socks, but they mix those two pair up! I don't understand, or fully enjoy the idea, but whatever makes them happy!! And can I just say--I'm loving the sock basket!! Way awesome idea, Jenny-Jenny! (my kids still call you that!!)
Oh Tracy, I would love to knit a thick snug pair of socks!
Jacy, let them mix! It saves all kinds of folding time. I wish you still lived close so I could know those kids better!!
I followed the link from JoLyn's blog. Summer School was one of my favorite movies growing up. I didn't know anyone else liked it or quoted from it. Awesome! :)
Great ideas! You socked it to me! (Corn!)
I used to wear all different colors of socks.
Remember toe socks?
I think they still make them.
Love the missing sock holder idea!
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