Secondly, it is very important for you to know that we at Whoville are frequent possessors of the hiccups. We somehow find ways to pass them from one to another of us and have one of two reactions: uncontrollable giggles or severe annoyance.
Because of this, we are on a relentless search for "The Cure".
Cures we have tried:
1. Holding your breath. (Success Rate: 0%. Retry Rate: 100%.) EVERY time I get the hiccups I try it. Why?
2. Swallow 5 times while holding your breath. (Success Rate: 80%. Retry Rate: 50%) Bondifaj came up with this and if I'm well hydrated it seems to work. If not, well, there just doesn't seem to be anything to swallow.
3. Swallow 10 mini gulps of water without breathing. (Success Rate: 80%. Retry Rate: 80%) This is my tried and true method.
4. Drink upside down. (Success Rate: ? Retry Rate: ?) I completely forgot about this method until I ran into these pictures the other day.
I made this up myself...and it works every single time. When you have the hiccups, try to make yourself hiccup, really loud. Its weird, but when you try to force yourself to do it loud, they go away!
Those pictures are so cute!! Tyler always says to drink water upside down. I've tried it and I can't do it! But I do agree with JoLyn, forcing myself to hiccup seems to make mine go away faster.
I just try not to get the hiccups because then my family laughs uncontrollably at me. They're ruthless!
So cute!! Love the pictures. My only rememdy is to bribe my kids to hiccup ten times for a dollar. They can rarely do it.
Haha, some one told me that eating a spoonful of sugar works...right...
I usually am a serious hiccup-er. I get like 20 in a row really quick and then they are gone. If my sister is around she trys to scare me, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but I have found that if I drink some water they go away quicker.
A glass of water usually works for me, but a Tums or Rolaid always works and you can carry them with you! Love the pics!
(Sometimes, I love to try to find a meaning the these words below. Weird, sometimes!)
I've also heard eat a spoonful of sugar-but it's never worked for me. If I get hiccups-I always have them more than once in the same day. One time-5 different times throughout the day!
Nothing works for me. I just suffer through them. LOL
Hello long lost friend of are you and how is the family? I thought I should drop by and read your blog and so glad I did. My dad has the "no fail" cure for hiccups. Here it is...while said hiccuper (hiccougher) is drinking big gulps of water, another person presses earlobes firmly into side of hiccuper's neck. BEing careful not to hurt poor hiccup person. Something about the way it changes the air flow inside as gulps are being made. It has worked everytime and dad has done this for 40 plus years and my siblings and I all do it with our kids now too. Try it next time and let me know.
*I love those pictures!* I've never heard of the swallowing part. Someone once told me this and it works every time in our house: take a spoonful of peanut butter. By the time you get all the PB swallowed the hiccups are gone.
Yep, a spoonful of peanut butter always chases mine away!
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